Admins have tools to allow them to manage notifications within their site. These tools includes sending custom notifications, automatically setting up expiration date reminders, and locking which notifications your learners can toggle.
See also our article about receiving notifications.
Custom Notifications
You can send any message to your learners as an administrator. To do so, go to Admin Notifications Settings under Custom Notifications.
- Message: Type any message you would like to send to your learners. This is limited to 140 characters as that is the maximum number of characters allowed so your message can appear as a push notifications both on mobile devices and on desktops.
- Add Link: Administrators have the option to add a link where if their learner clicks on the notification, it will take them to that page. This is a quick way to take your learners to exactly where they should go, such as a course page or a discussion topic. You must verify the link first to ensure it goes to the proper address, because once the message is sent it can't be undone.
- When: You can either send notifications immediately, or set up a scheduled time to deliver it. Scheduled notifications are sent hourly, for example 2:00pm and 5:00pm.
- Send to: Select who to send the notification to. You have the ability to send it to everyone, only the administrators, select learners, or entire reporting groups or classrooms.
Custom Notification History
A running log of all custom notifications sent by administrators is saved in case you may need to reference it at any point. Each block shows the following details:
- The message that was sent
- The date the message was sent
- The attached link, if one was included
- Who sent the message
- Who the message was sent to
This displays custom notifications sent chronologically, ten notifications at a time. Clicking on Load More will display the next ten custom notifications that was sent.
Scheduled Custom Notifications
Once you schedule a custom notification to occur at a later date, it will be added to the Scheduled Custom Notifications queue. This will display all queued custom notifications that have not been sent out yet, sorted chronologically. You have the ability to edit or delete the notification before it gets sent.
Expiration Date Reminders
As an administrator, you have the ability to set up the site to automatically notify your learners to complete their training before their course expires. For this to work, your learners must have a course that has a deadline to complete the course by.
To set this up, simply set the number of days or weeks. Each block will send a notification to your learners automatically that duration before the course expires. You have the ability to set up to five automatic reminders.
Admin Notifications
Administrators have notifications that aren't available to others which can be set on Notification Settings.
- Additional Training Submissions: Get notified when a learner submits an Additional Training record to be reviewed.
- Assessment Completion: Get notified when a learner completes an Assessment.
- Learner Course Completion: Get notified when any learner in your site completes a course. If you're a Reporting Group Admin or Manager you will be notified of courses that learners in your groups have completed. This is toggled off by default.
- Daily Update: Receive daily emails about who has and who has not completed their training. Reporting Group Administrators and Managers also have the option to toggle this. They will only see updates on learners in their groups.
Locking Notifications
Administrators have the ability to lock notifications so that their learners don't have the ability to toggle receiving notification. This is often helpful to ensure that if you assign a learner a course, that you know they received the message.
You will see lock icons next to the checkboxes. Clicking on the lock icon will save that state so it applies to everyone in your site. This will only appear for administrators, learners will not see the lock icons.