We may vet courses created by correctional facilities or vendors to ensure it meets deliverability standards so the training can be taken by incarcerated learners. Training content may include SCORM packages, courses created in Create-A-Course, Learning Paths, or more. 

When creating your courses, please follow the guidelines below. A representative may also review your content and would provide feedback on these criteria.

Course Behavior

This section outlines basic behaviors within the course.

  • The course must launch successfully.
  • The learner can close the course and resume where they last left off.
  • The course will be marked as passed/completed successfully when the end is reached.
  • The course can be taken on various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and phones.
  • The course works in a variety of browsers, including Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari.
  • The course is ADA accessible. Training content should meet basic accessibility standards to ensure everyone, regardless of disability, can take the training.
  • The course is set up so it can't be completed too quickly (recommended). Although not a requirement, we will test to see if there is open navigation which may allow learners to click through the course too quickly. We may point out areas where it can be improved but will be left to the discretion of the content creator to implement.

We may provide feedback if portions of the course aren't behaving as expected. 

As we are not the content expert, we will review the course on the assumption that the content presented is accurate. If there are quizzes, we assume the questions and answers are correct. We will not fact-check the content.

Security Guidelines

The following security guidelines are intended to assist our education partners in preventing the threat of misuse by incarcerated learners. Our goal is to ensure all educational training adheres to security standards to mitigate risk. 

  • All user inputs must be validated and sanitized. This requirement means ensuring the inputs are what is expected (e.g. a birthdate or a name in a valid format) and scrubbing characters that may be problematic when interpreted by a server or a browser, given the context of the learning app.
  • There can not be any open text fields where inmates could write, save and retrieve text in the future. This could potentially be used to pass messages to other inmates. The course does not contain any links to external content. 
  • No links to external content. Links to external content are not permissible. This includes links any website or dialogue boxes for document viewing plugins and other third-party code. All videos, courses, and content should be hosted internally (e.g. not linked to other sites or platforms).
  • No links to social media platforms. In most cases any entries for Google.com, Facebook.com, or similar social media platforms, are not unacceptable.