There are different types of users in CollaborNation with various privileges. This article lists the differences between them and explains how to change a user's permissions.


When accounts are created they are set to be normal users. They do not have access to any of the administrative settings.

Site Administrator

These administrators have full access to the entire site and can make any changes. To add or remove Site Administrators go to the Site Members page. This toggle can only be seen by current Administrators.

Reporting Group Administrator

A Reporting Group Administrator is a site member who has been granted administrative privileges for a reporting group. In addition to the viewing and reporting rights granted to Group Managers, Group Administrators can:

  • Change a group's settings, including renaming the group and changing its description.
  • Add and remove group members, or move members to subgroups or other groups they have Administrator rights in.
  • Grant and revoke Group Manager and Administrator rights in that group (and its subgroups, if any).
  • Create and delete subgroups and rearrange their relationships.
  • Assign courses to group members.
  • Grade learners in After-Event Reporting.
  • Approve or deny Credential Documents or Additional Training for learners within your Reporting Groups.

Reporting Group Manager

A Reporting Group Manager is a site member who has been granted rights to:

  • View a reporting group's details on the Reporting Groups management page.
  • Access the group's data in Reporting.
  • Assign courses to group members.

Group Managers can NOT make changes to the group's settings, membership, or management, and cannot create, delete, or rearrange subgroups.

Group Administrator and Manager privileges apply both in the specific group in which they are granted and also in that group's subgroups and their descendant groups.

Group Administrators and Managers do NOT need to be members of the reporting group in which their privileges are granted.

Credential Administrator

A Credential Administrator is a site member who has been granted rights to:

  • Create or edit Credentials.
  • Create or edit Labels.
  • Approve or deny Credential Documents or Additional Training.
  • Assign training.
  • View Reporting.

Create-A-Course Administrator

It's possible to give users access to Create-A-Course without making them an administrator. These users have access to create and publish courses in the site. 

To give access, go to Create-A-Course in Site Building, then Give Admin Access. Find the person you'd like to give access to then click on Give User Access.

Access Comparison

FeatureSite AdministratorReporting Group AdministratorReporting Group ManagerCreate-A-Course AdministratorClassroom ManagerCredential Administrator
Customize site branding

Set site administrators

View course feedback

Create additional registration information

Add users to the site

Create Events

✓ (Only within classrooms)
Create custom certificates

Course assignments✓ (Only to group members)✓ (Only to group members)
✓ (Only to classrooms members)
Approve additional training submissions✓ (Only to group members)

Assign Credential Administrators

Create Credentials

Create Labels

View Reporting on all learners

View the group's data in Reporting (must have access to those groups)
✓ (Only for classroom members)
Reporting Groups
Create/edit Reporting Groups

Add or remove users from groups

Grant and revoke Group Manager and Administrator rights in that group

Assign courses to group members
✓ (Only to classroom  members)
Create-A-Course *
Create courses

Set Create-A-Course administrators

Publish or unpublish any course

Publish or unpublish courses you've created

* Create-A-Course is an additional feature available for sites.