Categories Management allows administrators to create and manage your own catalogs. Create your own catalogs using a combination of training developed by CypherWorx, your own Create-A-Courses, Learning Paths, and more.

Administrators may want to create your own categories to really personalize your site and make it organized in a way for your team to easily find required training.

Accessing Categories Management

You can find Categories Management by going to Admin Tools > Catalog > Categories Management.

Categories Management lists the categories available in your site. When you first go here, you will see categories that were made available for you automatically by us, CypherWorx. These are courses that your organization has agreed to offer to your team. 

If you're interested in other courses we offer, please take a look at our entire Catalog.

Disabling Categories

If you would like to turn off any catalogs, simply check the box under Display in Catalog. That will hide the catalog from appearing on the Course Catalog page.

Creating Categories

To create a new category, click on the Create Category button located in the upper right.

Next you will be able to select the courses to add to your newly created category.

If you would like to select all the courses that appear in the table on that page, click on the Add checkbox at the top of the page. 

You can also filter the table to only display courses from specified catalogs. TO do so, click the Change button in the Filter by Catalog row.

You can then select or deselect any catalogs to filter the courses. 

When you've selected your courses, click Save. This category will now appear on your Course Catalog.

Please note that you may not edit any CypherWorx created categories. If you would like to make changes, you will need to create a new category entirely.

Editing Categories

You have the ability to edit your custom category after you have created it. To do so, return to the Categories Management page.

Please note that you do not have the ability to edit any default CypherWorx categories. You can only edit categories that you have created.

Edit Details allows you to edit the category's name and description.

Add Courses allows you to add or remove courses from the category.


I am trying to add a course that exists in my site, but I can't find it.

When on the Add Courses pages, make sure that you you have all categories selected. You won't be able to view courses that only exist in a deselected category.

I am interested in adding more course offerings to my site.

By default your site will only be provided courses that were originally agreed upon when signing up, so there may be other courses available that would be beneficial for your company. 

If you're interested in more courses, take a look at our entire catalog. If you would like any of this training available in your site, simply contact us.

You may also have training created that just needs to be made available to others. You can also use Create-A-Course to create your own courses and make it available to your team immediately.

Or if you have training, but would prefer someone else to create the online training portion for you, we have an instructional design team on standby ready to convert your material into a fully interactive online course. Contact us and we would be happy to assist.