In order to use your Google Workspace organization as an Identity Provider to SSO into CollaborNation you must register your client in the Google Developer Console first to enable Google login to your site. To configure this you will need to start setup in Google Workspace, then configure some information within CollaborNation, and then finish by adding a setting in Google Workspace.

Initial Setup in Google Workspace

You must first enable the following APIs for your organization, both of which can normally by found in the Library section of the main Google Cloud admin.

Once enabled, create a new OAuth 2.0 Client under the Credentials section by clicking the Create Credentials button and selecting OAuth client ID and selecting web application.

Example sceenshot of the Google Console admin.

Creating a web application named CollaborNation for an OAuth client ID.

Once generated, a Client ID and Client secret will be generated for this setup. You will need this Client ID and Client secret for setup within CollaborNation.
Example OAuth client with listed Client ID and Client secret.

Configuration within CollaborNation

As an account with Site Administrator capability, visit the Admin Tools section of the site and select OpenID Connectors.

Admin Tools page listing OpenID Connectors.From this page you you will see a page that lists the current connectors, and a button to create a new a connector. OpenID Connectors listing page in Admin Tools.

From here you will create a connector with the Client ID and Client secret you generated in Google Workspace, and then use the following URLs,

Example OpenID Connector.

Once added, you will be taken back to the main OpenID Connectors listing screen. This screen will display an OAuth Redirect URL for this connector you will use in the next section.

Finishing up within Google Workspace

Back in the Google Workspace admin click on the CollaborNation entry you had made under your OAuth 2.0 Client IDs. On the next page click the "ADD URI" button under the Authorized redirect URIs section. In this section enter the URL that was listed within CollaborNation, and then click Save.
Example Authorized redirect URIs for your OAuth client.