
Is the site not working the way you expect it to? Find troubleshooting tips here.

Troubleshooting browser issues
The browser is what you use to access CollaborNation on your computer and your phone. This includes Chrome, Microsoft Edge,...
I have forgotten my email address or password
You can reset your password by going to  This page can be found by going to the login page...
When I launch a course, it doesn't load
If you are launching a course but it doesn't load, please try the following steps to see if it will...
I can't advance to the next page in a course
If you are stuck in a course and are unable to move forward, please try the following to troubleshoot: Make...
The audio in a course won't play automatically
Recently some browsers, specifically, Safari and Chrome, have changed settings for auto-play on video and audio which may cause issues...
A fatal error has occurred, communication with the server has been lost
It's possible while taking a course to receive an error message: A fatal error has occured, communication with the server...
My certificate doesn't appear when I complete a course
When you complete a course, you should receive a notification that you have completed it and have earned a certificate...
How to allow pop-ups
A pop-up blocker is a program that prevents pop-ups from displaying in a user's browser. Some courses may have attachments...
I'm not receiving emails
Sometimes email falls through the cracks and doesn't make it to your inbox. Once the email is sent from our...
The site is asking me to pay when it's supposed to be free
If you have tried to register into CollaborNation and the site is asking you to pay when you were told...
Submitting feature requests for CollaborNation
Do you have an idea for a cool new feature for CollaborNation? This guide is here to help you understand...
Loading resources from CollaborNation's CDN
CollaborNation uses a service called a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to make the site faster. A CDN is used to...
Answer for Course created by client not working in browsers
This course was not developed by CypherWorx. It was created either by your organization or by a third party. Because...
Support Hours
Support for CollaborNation is available during normal business hours, which is Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern...