Administrators have the ability to cancel events in the case that your event can no longer be held.
To cancel an event, first find your event either on the Events or Course Catalog pages, then Edit it. On the edit page there is a section asking if you would like to cancel your event. Select Yes, then save.
Canceled events will still be visible on the Event page, except it will have an icon indicating that it's been disabled.
When people view the event page, they will see a message saying that the event was canceled.
The only time a canceled event will not appear on the Event page is when Display on Calendar is set to Off.
Canceled events do still appear on attendees' My Courses page and on the Course Catalog with the text "Canceled" prepended to the event name.
Canceling an event is different than deleting an event. When an event is deleted, it will be removed from the Events page entirely. You do not have the ability to re-enable a deleted event.