The Send Message feature for Events is available for all Classroom Events, or to a Site Events that have participants associated with the Event.

Selecting the individuals by status

There are three main statuses for an Event:

  • Approved
  • Pending
  • Declined

These statuses originally related to Private Events where an individual is invited and needs to reply on their status. For Public Events a learner's status is Approved when they invited by an admin. For Public Events where a learner pressed the Register button the status is either Approved or Pending based on the Auto-Enrollment status setting for the Event.

Note: The status of an individual does not change based on them unregistering for an Event as the original status will be restored if they re-Register. There is an option to exclude those that have unregistered for an Event.

The Send Message dialog showing the fields to select the learner statuses to send a message for an Event.Writing and Sending the Message

Using the editor you may compose a rich text message with basic formatting features like bold, italics, quotes, links, and lists. Expanding the Message Tips section will present a list of variables that you may use in the message that will be replaced for individuals. For example, using [user:name] will insert the name of the individual in the body of the message.

You may attach a file to the body of the message. Please note that most email services allow for a 10-25 MB limit on attachments and messages with attachments exceeding this limit may not be delivered.

When you are done click the Send button to send the message. The message will be formatted like other messages from CollaborNation features like Course Assignments and Notifications.

To improve email deliverability, the email will come from a domain and will include the sender's name and email in the reply-to field so that individuals may reply to the individual that sends the message.

The Send Message dialog portion for composing the message and sending it.