Take courses online and earn certificates of completions.
If you would like to take a course, you will need to add the course to your account. Go to...
Note: If you are stuck in a course or you're having difficulty taking a course, please contact us and a...
You have the ability to take notes alongside any course in CollaborNation. To take notes, click on the arrow to...
When you complete a course, you will be awarded with a certificate of completion which can be shared with your...
Courses may have expiration dates set where the course must be completed by a certain day which is often set...
To delete a course go to My Courses and find the course you'd like to delete. Then click on the...
Courses in CollaborNation allow you to leave the course and resume where you last left off. This means if you...
We like to hear from you to make sure our courses are delivering quality information in a fun way. If...
You can view a transcript of all courses taken in your account. This includes any online courses, live training events,...
It's possible you have taken some type of training outside of this website, CollaborNation. If you would like to add...
Your organization may request you to complete a credential. A Credential is a training type that has two specific criteria...